How to Dispose

Help us in our mission to reduce waste in the beauty industry by being a Sustainability Slut with us: learn how to dispose of Babe AF items below so you can pay the Eco-Love forward. 

🤍 Aluminum containers - Our aluminum containers are able to be reused indefinitely, but if you do decide to dispose of one, please make sure to place in your recycling bin. However, we ask you to always consider reuse - even if you do not buy a Babe AF refill, our aluminum containers make great containers for other beauty items (i.e. bobby pins, cotton rounds, etc.) 

🤍 Cardboard containers - Did you know that if left uncoated, cardboard is 100% compostable? For our cardboard containers, we choose a supplier that uses FSC-certified cardboard constructed with rice glue and a soybean wax lining for both sustainability and safe composting. If you don't have a compost pile at home, these containers can be recycled and effortlessly put into your recycling bin.

🤍 Labels - Our labels are certified home-compostable with an acrylic-based compostable adhesive. Both comply with DIN EN 13432 compostability and biodegradability regulations. So, if you don't compost, don't worry - if you toss the label in a recycling bin along with your container, you will still have the peace of mind knowing that the label will biodegrade. If you compost, go ahead and toss the label in your compost.

🤍 Shipping boxes - Our commitment to sustainability extends to our shipping practices, as we strive to reuse Amazon and other collected shipping boxes for at least 50% of our deliveries. After you receive your order, the box can be disposed of in multiple ways, including placing it in your home composting bin, reusing it in your succulent garden, or simply putting it in your recycling bin.

🤍 Shipping tape - Our paper shipping tape is not only FSC-certified, but also home-compostable and biodegradable, thanks to the use of non-toxic adhesive and soy-based ink for printing. Furthermore, the tape is curbside recyclable, allowing you to conveniently dispose of it in your recycling bin along with the shipping box if you don't compost. 

🤍 Packaging material - We attempt to reuse packaging material that we collect from other small businesses and our own supply inbound shipments. When we purchase packaging material, we purchase sustainably-sourced and compostable/biodegradable materials only. After you unbox your order, you can toss these paper materials in your recycling bin or home compost. 

Thank you for learning how to be a Sustainable Slut. We love you!🤍